Saturday, April 2, 2011

Breath Of Fresh Air

Regaining a relationship that you once thought was lost forever is like a breath of fresh air. Today was that day for me. This is only the beginning though. I appreciate, value, and honor the people in my life that support me and what I am trying to accomplish in life. When you have people like this in your life, hold tight and don't let them go. You may have disagreements and contemplate the old " cut-off" move, but think twice. True friendship is hard to come by these days. Have you talked to your friends lately? If not, why not? Pick up the phone and call. Reconnect and enjoy each other's company and thoughts. Cherish the laughter, tears, and the love that you share with each other. Let your friends know that you love them. In case you are reading this..... I love you. Thank you for being you and for helping me be me by accepting me for who I am. :) 

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